Dialogues with Brazil.

August 28 to September 1 2023, Berlin, Germany

Problem description

Recognizing that the local scale is a privileged space for experimentation with climate change strategies, the municipal government of Taboão da Serra has been concerned with innovating both in institutional practices and in actions
in its territory. The project presented here prioritizes the southwest quadrant of the city that presents a high rate of construction and population density, associated with a low permeability of the soil and little provision of green areas.
and with little offer of green areas. Delimited in the current Participatory Master Plan as a Homogeneous Area of Precarious Urbanization, this territory is marked by high social vulnerability. More vulnerable populations will feel the impacts of Climate Change more intensely. In this context, it becomes essential to restore urban ecosystems through Nature-Based Solutions that are primarily guided by practices aimed at overcoming different inequalities. The project foresees a set of actions to strengthen the adaptive capacity of Taboão da Serra, facing extreme events resulting from climate change, including planning, training of technical staff, establishment of partnerships, development of diagnostics with the participation of different stakeholders and preparation of an action plan. The intervention area is approximately 3.5 km² (approximately 18% of the municipality’s territory) and, according to the 2010 Census, has a resident population of approximately 70,000 people (a little over 30% of the municipal population). It is estimated that the benefit from the project should directly reach a population of 30,000.

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