Dialogues with Brazil.

August 28 to September 1 2023, Berlin, Germany

Problem description

In contemporary times, it is easy to perceive that population growth brings about geographic impacts, mainly, in the increase of road flow, traffic jams and, consequently, pollution.In addition to the environment, traffic jams penalize companies and commerce, with loss of productivity of employees, who encounter difficulties in reaching their workplace, and a drop in the flow of customers, who also suffer to reach the establishments. Thus, those responsible for planning and managing public transportation systems have a huge challenge to choose and implement the appropriate strategy so that population growth does not negatively impact economic growth and quality of life of citizens.In order to promote ease of movement, as well as to explore the tourist horizon that this region attracts, public management inclines efforts to implement efficient and sustainable solutions for public transportation.In this regard, the LRT is a vector of resignification in urban mobility. Comfort, speed, accident reduction, accessibility, reduction of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions must be priorities for authorities who wish to meet the expectations of citizens and make their city more attractive to investment and tourism. Thus, the project mitigates the accessibility problems of the attractor and producer poles of trips, reduces the population’s travel time and the volume of motor vehicles, through the implementation of a cleaner, safer and more efficient transportation system (estimated 1,004,991 trips per day), thus encouraging, in addition to the improvement of the road network, the very stimulus to active transportation, with the improvement and spraying of bicycle paths in the region adjacent to the LRV line.

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