Architecture & Urban Planning Tools for Health

Welcome to BHL

We are a Think & Do Tank driving sustainable urban development through urban health strategies.

Our Approach

Our team of experts from public health and spatial design addresses complex health and climate crises at the municipal level to inform city plans.

Our Mission

We bridge practice with academic knowledge and enrich academia with practical insights. As we carry out this mission, we ensure our solutions are:

  • Healthy: Prioritizing people’s needs and requirements.
  • Green: Incorporating nature-based solutions to support people-centered needs.
  • Bankable: Ensuring cost-effective operations and reinvestment for sustainable outcomes.

Tools to build healthy neighborhoods.

UrbanCare is our lead project with 3 services to build pedestrian health and energy saving spaces.

UrbanCare Diagnostics
health & environmental research

UrbanCare APPS 
neighborhood data viewers

UrbanCare Dialogues
decision-making workshops

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In most cities, sustainable urban plans aim to combat the urban heat island effect by reducing car usage and emissions.

At BHL, we focus on creating streetscapes that enhance pedestrian safety, comfort, and health, thereby improving neighborhood livability and the local climate.

We provide communities and planners with steps and tools to investigate street-level obstacles and climate threats that affect vulnerable outdoor users such as children, older adults, workers, and people with cognitive or physical disabilities.

Energy-saving public spaces

Urban outdoors, especially streets, impact the energy consumption in nearby buildings and pedestrian health.

Our tools assist in developing evidence-based solutions that enhance urban ecosystems, reduce energy waste, and improve public health at the neighborhood level.

Each case helps inform city plans with neighborhood-specific insights and evidence.